
Showing posts from April, 2017

Campus Transportation Pt. 2

Across  MichiganState University ’s Campus, students and staff continue to find new ways to travel on campus through a variation of transportation methods.   For underclassmen, walking and the CATA bus system seem to be the easiest method of transportation said Sophomore education student Tully Ann Williams. "I love walking to class," Williams said. "I get to exercise plus I save money that I would be spending on gas or parking tickets." However, for older students living off campus, driving a car is essential. Junior advertising student Cole Koretos said that he relies heavily on his car to get to class and work. "I live pretty far off campus and I pretty much drive everywhere because it saves me a ton of time," Koretos said. "Plus I work over 20 hours a week and it helps to have a car to get to work." Koretos said that the only downfall is the parking fees. "Some weeks I start to rack up on parking tickets,...

Campus Transportation

Across MichiganState University ’s Campus, students and staff continue to find new ways to travel on campus through a variation of transportation methods.   Whether students find success at campus scooter buying a moped, or simply walking along the Red Cedar River , there are a variation of options when it comes to transportation on campus.  Sophomore nursing student Claire Farrington said that a moped is the most convenient way to travel in terms of her busy schedule. "Mopeds can travel on the road and be parked at a bike rack ," Farrington said. "It's like having a car but not having to pay for a ton of gas or parking."  Although Farrington said her moped may be inaccessible during the winter season, the pros of having it the rest of the year make it worth the money. "I can't think of a better form of transportation for a college student," Farrington said. "Plus it was easy- Campus Scooter had one re...

Student Employment Part Two

There are a wide variety of reasons a student may chose to work on campus at Michigan State University . While some students work simply to make money, such as to earn tuition or have additional spending money, others may work to gain exposure to skills that may benefit them in their future career endeavors. However, many students find it more beneficial to spend time focusing on school rather than working.  Sophomore education student Tully Ann Williams said that she has been much more successful not having a job while at school. "I have brought my grades up a ton while I haven't been working," Williams said. "It has really given me a chance to focus on school and not stress about when I need to go in to work." Williams also said that it's helped her sleep schedule .  "I have been able to sleep a healthy amount now that I am not working," Williams said. "You never realize how important sleep is until you kno...

Student Employment Part One

Across Michigan State University ’s Campus, student employment continues to impact college student’s social and academic lives. With a variety of reasons to work, students continue to develop skills beneficial to their futures through college employment. Junior media and information student Tyler Clifton enjoys his job at MSU where he is a teaching assistant for the course CAS 112 .  Clifton spends most of his time editing projects, learning new softwares, and teaching a lab to students at MSU.  Clifton works to make money as well as gain experience for his future professional career.  Sophomore nursing student Kate Pilarski has been working at the IM-West pool as a lifeguard for two years now, and works simply to make money to pay tuition. Pilarski enjoys her job for its simplicity, and convenience, in terms of location on campus.